Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Creativity: How do you sustain it?

We often talk about it but have you ever thought about it? Many of us think that creativity is only for artists and that you have to be talented to have it and even more talented to sustain it. But is this the whole truth?

Creativity has been defined, by Jacob Moreno, as a new effective response to an old situation and as an adequate response to a new situation.

I try to stay in touch with my creativity by exploring new ways to create whatever I make. As regards to jewelry I also love to play with new materials and I let myself free to see what will come up to. When I feel stuck I tend to sit on my desk with all of my staff around and just looking at them. Other times a walk by the sea is the best inspiration for me.

I would love to hear your thoughts about how you sustain your creativity and if you feel creative at all...

Searching around in the internet I found the below interesting sites about creativity. Have a look:

10 Steps for Boosting Creativity

10 Ways to Nurture Creativity

Remove your 10 Blocks to Creativity

Beautiful photos from works of art from: LisaBarbero , onlyart76, WhiteEarthStudio and MDaisleyMoffitt